HVAC Preventative Maintenance Program
Meeh Climate Service (MC Service) offers four planned heating and air conditioning preventive maintenance programs designed to compliment your facilities staff needs and budget.
With Climate Care, all scheduled inspections and preventive maintenance are on a time and material basis for an agreed upon hourly rate.
Our Climate Alert goes one step further wherein all scheduled inspections are performed for an annual fee including normal maintenance material such as filters, belts, biotabs, coil cleaners, oil and grease.
With Climate Sentry, all scheduled inspections and repairs are performed for an annual fee. This fee covers labor (regular hours) for inspections and normal materials such as filters, oil and grease. It also includes the labor (regular hours) for repair services.
Lastly, our Climate Guard program is the ultimate in protection for your equipment. Under this program MC Service assumes the risk of equipment failure with scope of service clearly illustrated. All material, parts and labor (regular hours) necessary to maintain the equipment in optimum operating efficiency are included.
The four programs listed above only serve as a small part of the infinite number of programs we can customize to fit your facilities needs and budget. Lastly in an effort to help you achieve higher efficiency, lower operating costs, lower maintenance costs and lower equipment costs, we provide you with a performance recap which shows your total cost of ownership for your HVAC system.