Mechanical & HVAC Services
Meeh Climate Service (MC Service) is St. Louis premier HVAC Repair and Service Contractor.

Responsive & Responsible. Meeh Climate Service (MC Service) is St. Louis' premier HVAC Repair & Service contractor. From HVAC systems installation to boiler and chiller repair, we currently service over 170 owner occupied, commercial, retail, education, healthcare, industrial and institutional buildings in the St. Louis market.
A quality service program is measured by the life and reliability of the service equipment. Keeping your business or office HVAC operating at maximum efficiency requires the equipment to be serviced on a regular basis. MC Service offers Preventive Maintenance programs as well as 24 hour emergency repair services.
We are a certified service contractor for Despatch Industries, a world leader in industrial ovens and furnaces for the thermal technology, solar and carbon fiber industries, as well as their St. Louis manufacturers rep, KJS Marketing, Inc. 

MC Service provides services needed to compliment your staffs’ expertise, or we can design a customized plan to fit your building’s operational personality and implement that plan for you. MC Service is Service. Ensured.